Affiliate marketing is the king of all money-making sources for almost every blogger and marketer. Once you master the art of turning your traffic into sales, affiliate marketing helps you make money even while you sleep. You don’t have to work very hard for every dollar you make unlike any other source. Once you set up your own traffic conversion funnel, it sends you payments whenever someone buys from your affiliate links. That’s the beauty of affiliate marketing. Want to know the power of affiliate marketing? We generated over $459k in affiliate sales just from one product. Yes, you heard it right. Affiliate marketing is definitely the way to go if you’re looking to earn passive income online. Quick Note: Grab our “Affiliate Marketing Blueprint” eBook Now to start making thousands of dollars every month while promoting affiliate products. 99% of the people fail to make even a single sale from affiliate marketing while there are few others who are making upwards 100,000 dollars every single month! So what’s make them different from the remaining crowd? How few affiliate marketers are making so much money out of affiliate marketing? Are you curious to know? Let’s find out the top affiliate marketing blogs that should read and subscribe to in 2023. Please Note: The following affiliate blogs are mentioned in no particular order. Please don’t get offended if your favorite affiliate marketer or his blog is not included in the list, mention it in the comments and I’d be glad to consider including it.

Best affiliate marketing blogs you must follow in 2023

1. Smart Passive Income

Who is the blog owner?Pat Flynn runs the blog, he started back in 2008. He created this blog by sharing his own journey on how he made huge money by selling an eBook. Pat is considered as one of the go to affiliate marketer in the Internet marketing industry. Why should you read Smart Passive Income blog? If you are new to affiliate marketing and want to turn your clicks into sales, you should definitely check out this blog. Here are 3 major reasons to subscribe to Pat Flynn’s blog:

He’s a genuine marketing guru who shares all his affiliate marketing tips and secrets with his audience. Not only that, he also has a YouTube channel and a Podcast series where he shares everything about affiliate marketing and running a successful online business. His blog Smart Passive Income is full of highly informative articles from starting your own blog, podcast to making money by selling affiliate products. Spend 1 hour reading his blog every day, within a month, you will know most of the in’s and out’s of affiliate marketing. He makes a lot of money. He generally makes around 100,000 dollars every single month. He does this without selling hard. He never spam your email inbox with lots of sales pitches. You can learn a lot how he sells by spending some time on analysing his blog, design, content etc. The blog is a goldmine for all the affiliate marketer beginners who want to make passive income online.

2. Adam Enfroy

Who runs the blog? Pat Flynn stopped publishing his blog’s income reports for the past couple of years. But from various sources (including his podcasts and interviews), we concluded that he makes over $100,000+ every single month. He makes his income mostly from affiliate marketing, selling his own courses and products such as books. Adam Enfroy is the owner and he started as a side project in 2019. It instantly became a success because of the content.  Why should you read Adam Enfroy’s blog? If you’re looking to build an online empire or looking for an authority website to learn how to start a profitable blogging business, Adam Enfroy’s blog is a must-read for you. Here are some of the topics you can learn from his blog;

Blogging Making money online Affiliate marketing SEO, email marketing, and more

If you want to learn how to build a side hustle online or looking to become a full-time blogger, you must check out Adam’s content.

3. BloggersPassion

Who is the owner of BloggersPassion? Adam Enfory makes over $200,000 per month from his blog. Most of his blogging revenue comes from affiliate marketing, selling his own premium courses, SEO consulting, etc. Anil Agarwal launched BloggersPassion in 2010 and since then sharing practical content around blogging, affiliate marketing, and SEO. Why should you read BloggersPassion? At BloggersPassion, we cover a wide range of topics including making money from blogging, becoming an SEO expert, and earning huge money from affiliate marketing. If you’re a beginner who’s just getting started or looking to increase your affiliate sales, BloggersPassion is your final destination. To be precise, here’s our earning report.  We’ve been earning over $18,000+ per month on average (most revenue comes through affiliate marketing) from BloggersPassion for the last couple of years. 

In 2021, we made $160,000+ In 2022, we made $226,000+

4. Niche Pursuits

Who runs the blog? Spencer Haws who quit his job in 2011 to work full time online. He not only created a lot of niche sites and started making money from them before quitting his job but he learned the art of creating great products. Why should you read Niche Pursuits blog? To put it simply, he creates amazing products for bloggers. One among them is Long Tail Pro, a keyword research tool that helps you easily find profitable keywords within minutes. This blog also shares a lot of practical case studies on how to start niche websites, make more money online etc. This blog is a treat for every beginner who wants to make more money from their blogs.

5. Easy Affiliate Blog

Who is the founder of Easy Affiliate Blog? Spencer Haws sold his popular keyword research tool called Long Tail Pro in 2016 for over 5 million dollars and he’s currently working on Niche Pursuits along with other sites like Motion Invest. Altogether he earns millions of dollars every year from his online ventures. Easy Affiliate Blog is a WordPress affiliate plugin that helps marketers to launch their own affiliate program within minutes and it also allows you to monitor all the clicks, sales, and payments. We were not able to find the owner of this website but most of the blog posts are written under the name of “John Hughes”. Why should you read their blog? Whether you’re an affiliate marketer or looking to launch your affiliate program for your products and looking for a one-stop website to learn everything, Easy Affiliate’s blog is just for you.

6. Smart Blogger

Who runs the Smart Blogger blog? We were not able to find its earnings but they make money from selling their premium WordPress affiliate plugin. Jon Morrow is the founder of this amazing blog. Smart Blogger was launched in 2012 and it is one of the biggest websites that talks about blogging and writing that has over 300,000 email subscribers with millions of readers. Why should you read the Smart Blogger blog? If you’re on the hunt for a blog that exclusively talks about creating writing, copywriting techniques, and successful blogging – Smart Blogger is an excellent choice for you. Here are some of the things you can discover on this blog;

Writing Content Marketing Make Money Online WordPress

7. ShoutMeLoud

Who is the founder of the blog? Smart Blogger blog generates over $100,000 a month. Most of the income comes from affiliate marketing and, selling Jon Morrow’s own products including courses, books, and more. Harsh Agrawal runs the blog. His is one of the successful affiliate marketers in India who started blogging way back in 2008 and covers topics like technology, blogging, WordPress, SEO etc. He often shares real case studies on how to get more traffic, make money online etc. Most of his income comes from various sources like AdSense, consulting and affiliate marketing. He also started making awareness about the importance of blogging by frequently conducting blogging camps all over India. Why should you read Shout Me Loud blog? Harsh Agrawal is in the affiliate marketing game for a long time now. He knows what he’s talking about and most of the time he gives valuable information through his blog posts. If you are a beginner to blogging, SEO or affiliate marketing, you should definitely subscribe to his blog.

8. DollarSprout

Who is behind the DollarSprout blog? In one of his blog posts, Harsh Agarwal shared that he’s earning over $550,000 every year from blogging. Most of his income comes from affiliate marketing. Jeff Proctor along with his friend Ben Huber started DollarSprout in 2015. They’ve been featured on all the major online publications including Forbes, Yahoo! Finance, Credit Karma, GoBankingRates, Lifehacker, and many more. Why should you read DollarSprout blog? If you’re looking to make extra income from side hustles or want to maximize your earnings through entrepreneurship, DollarSprout is the BEST blog to read.  Here are some of the things you’ll discover on their blog;

Side Hustles Money Management Online Business Passive Income Budgeting apps Investing apps Money making apps and more

9. Authority Hacker

Who is the founder of Authority Hacker? Estimated earnings are $10K/mo. Advertising, sponsored reviews, and affiliate marketing – these are the three major income sources of the DollarSprout blog.  Gael Breton and Mark Webster are the co-founders of Authority Hacker. Why should you read their blog? Authority Hacker publishes in-depth guides on affiliate marketing and building profitable websites online. Almost all of their blog posts cover A to Z information along with case studies on how one can build money-making websites.  It also offers a premium training course on affiliate marketing called “The Authority Site System” that teaches you how to earn thousands of dollars from affiliate marketing.

10. Create And Go

Who runs Create And Go? Authority Hacker earns over 6-figure monthly income promoting affiliate products and selling their own courses.  Alex and Lauren are the creators of Create And Go.  Why should you read their blog? If you’re a beginner who’s looking to learn how to build a successful blog and earn more money from affiliate marketing, you should definitely check out Create And Go blog. They often publish “personalized blog posts” that connect with their core audience and they also share “practical strategies to grow your online income”.

11. RyRob

Who is the founder of RyRob? Create And Go generated $133,272.99 in September 2020. Their income mostly comes from selling affiliate products and selling their own courses. Ryan Robinson is the founder of this blog where he mostly teaches how to make money on the Internet.  Why should you read his blog? If you want to learn how to make money from blogging as a side business and looking for proven affiliate marketing strategies, you should definitely read Ryan’s blog.

12. Blog Tyrant

Who runs Blog Tyrant? Ryan Robinson earns over $450,000 (per year) from his blog which means his monthly earnings are around $40K per month.  Ramsay was the founder of Blog Tyrant but now it is owned and run by Awesome Motive who also owns other popular blogs including WPBeginner, OptinMonster, MonsterInsights, WPForms, SeedProd, and more. Why should you read his blog? If you’re looking to learn proven blogging and business strategies including affiliate marketing techniques, Blog Tyrant is a great blog to read. More Digital Marketing Related Resources: The blog doesn’t share its income reports but we assume it makes several thousand dollars every month as it has a huge email list along with a decent number of affiliate programs to promote.

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Every successful affiliate marketer who is earning thousands of dollars now once was a beginner who struggled a lot to make a single sale. Almost every affiliate blog mentioned above has few things in common: consistent efforts, hard work, networking with influencers, creating and selling products and building huge loyal readership. If you want to grow your affiliate income, you need to acquire those skills. Most beginners fail to make even one sale from affiliate products is due to the lack of patience. They think affiliate marketing is a get quick rich scheme when it’s exactly the opposite. The longer time you work on something the more skills you acquire. That’s what you need to make more money from affiliate marketing. Did you like the compilation of the above affiliate marketing blogs for 2023? Did I miss any of your favourite top affiliate blog? If yes, leave your thoughts in the comments and don’t forget to share.