Today, a vast number of people browse the web through their phones versus their laptops or desktops. In fact, according to the World Advertising Research Center (WARC), 72% of people will browse the web solely through their smartphones in 2025. If your website isn’t easily accessible for smartphones, you’ll be losing out on a huge amount of potential traffic. Read on as we guide you through the top three reasons why mobile-friendly design for websites is so important!

1. Google Prioritization

People often use Google as their main search engine, and if your website is mobile-friendly, you’ll enjoy a boost in the search engine algorithm. You’ll rank better if your site is optimized for mobile because Google recognizes that their browsers search predominantly from their phones. They want to provide users with the most useful results, and Google doesn’t see a slow loading, unresponsive website as a quality experience. Google now uses “mobile-first indexing,” meaning that its bots will crawl the mobile version of your website first. If your mobile page speed is slow and unresponsive, your website could take a hit when it comes to its search ranking.

2. Lower Bounce Rates

The bounce rate is the average number of bounces (or people leaving your site) divided by the total number of visits. You can determine your bounce rate through Google Analytics and segment it into different pages, age ranges, gender, and more. Although there can be a large number of reasons why people are leaving your site, starting with working on the mobile optimization of your site is the most straightforward way to lower it. This is because a fast loading time on smartphones and good design means people are far more likely to stay on your website and interact. If your website has:

Links that are hard to click on mobile Slow loading images or graphics Design elements that won’t fit on mobile screens

Then this will frustrate customers and cause them to return to the search engine results page. They’ll find a website that’s easier for them to navigate. Consider making a poll through a Survey app to see what your customers want the most.

3. Increased Authority

Along with lower bounce rates and more traffic, you’ll find that focusing on a mobile-friendly design for your website increases your brand’s reputation and authority. Websites that aren’t optimized for the web often don’t have a modern design that lives up to today’s standards. Consumers are becoming more visually literate due to the prevalence of smartphones, and a poorly designed site looks unprofessional and even old-fashioned. Brands today have websites with simplified designs that are easy to navigate and read. Likewise, updating your design will also bring your brand back into relevancy.

The Importance of Mobile-Friendly Design for Websites

As you can see, mobile-friendly design for websites is one of the top things you need to focus on when it’s time for a redesign. From a strong call to action to more traffic and fewer bounce rates, you’ll find that both your current customers and leads are happier as a result. The best part is that pre-made templates are often created with mobile in mind, and most website designers are aware of the importance of mobile-friendly design. Want to learn more ways to make your brand website irresistible? Keep reading our blog for more tips and tricks!

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