This article will discuss two different types of dumpster rental services and the benefits of renting a dumpster for businesses. Keep reading to learn more.

Two Types of Dumpster Rental Services

Temporary dumpster rental services are generally for roll-off dumpsters. The dumpsters are literally rolled off a specially equipped truck with a hook and placed in a driveway, parking lot, etc. for the rental term. They’re hauled away when full. Roll-off dumpsters are large, from roughly ten to fifty cubic yards. Building contractors often have them for old building materials they have torn out. Homeowners and some businesses use them to get rid of miscellaneous junk. Permanent dumpster rental services are smaller bins of various sizes left at businesses, public buildings, schools, etc. for routine garbage disposal. The dumpster rental service will empty them on a set schedule. If you would like to know more about dumpster rental costs or which type of dumpster rental service is better for your business, you can get more info here.

Benefits of Dumpster Rental for Businesses

There are numerous benefits to businesses that rent dumpsters. The following are a few examples.

1. Fewer Problems With Pests

Dumpsters used in permanent dumpster rental service have tight, heavy, often locked lids. Even if there is fragrant discarded food inside, it’s hard for insects and rodents to gain access to it.

2. No Visible Trash Cans

Ordinary trash cans—many of which overflow—often sit outside for days before the sanitation company empties them. In the meantime, they attract germs and vermin, get knocked over, and sometimes stolen. In contrast, it’s hard to open, much less move a dumpster.

3. Easy Disposal of Large Amounts of Garbage

Whether it’s a roll-off rental dumpster or a permanent bin, a dumpster holds a lot of waste. There’s no need for either small trash cans or frequent trips to the municipal dump.

4. Either Emptied or Removed for You

You have either type of rental dumpster emptied according to a planned schedule. Roll-off dumpsters are hauled away for good once filled—at least until the next time you need one.

5. Eco-Friendly Disposal

Waste removal is not always eco-friendly disposal on its own. However, dumpsters are conducive to several uses and practices that are good for our health and the planet. For example, some dumpster rental services now ask renters to separate “gently used” items for donation to charity, instead of adding them to a landfill.

Reduce—Reuse—Recycle—Use a Dumpster

In the U.S., dumpster rental service runs between $200-800 per week, depending on the company and location. That’s a wide range, but dumpster rental service is a highly competitive business. Prices shift all the time. The benefits of dumpster rental service continue to grow as an increasingly environmentally aware public expects and uses it. Let’s hope this positive momentum continues! Have you checked our website for other positive and engaging trends that affect our lives? If you haven’t, please do. We know you’ll keep coming back!

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