Travelling is like a box of sweets! What? Is it a box of sweets? Yes, when one eats a sweet bite or a piece, one cannot resist having another bite or piece of sweet. The same thing happens in the travelling. One cannot stop themselves after a recent journey to flee to a new travelling destination! Sometimes it happens that we plan tentatively for next journey spot on the last spot only. Yeah, it happens! “Still in the arena of recent travelling, starts tantalizing about the NEXT one” The next travelling spot excites us somehow! Well, we plan everything properly. As travelling helps us to reduce stress, we take care of all the necessities during travelling. From biscuits to travelling bags and from clothes to cash, all the preparation is done. But there are some things if we take more care of it and it can reduce our travelling cost. It fortifies our journey experiences and joy. Now we will let you enjoy budget trips in India with some exceptional hacks. “A little more alertness, brings you a lot happiness”

Some hacks to make your travelling cheap:

1. Transportation Phase

The most important thing for enjoying budget trips in India is to ensure about all the types of transportation expenses. It includes all the expenses related to transportation during the travelling like by rail, road or air. Even from main spots to sub-spots of travelling. It is good to know about all the fares in your journey in prior. Have a vague idea about the regional fares, pre-check the costs; fixed rental vehicles like cabs, bikes and many others. Public transportation is the best option to cut down the cost. In short, have a little knowledge of it so that you don’t pay more than normal or fares. Many a times it may happen that the transportation expenses are the main one to increase your overall cost of travelling.

2. Low Air Fares

Air fares are the major part. Especially when we plan to go out almost all the places by flight. How can we plan out about the air fares so that it costs cheaper to us? There are many things which can help you cut down the cost as possible. Precisely check all the details of location, cost per mile, dates, timings and ranges. Prefer off hours flights which are comparatively cheaper than normal hour’s flights when planning budget trips in India. Sometimes overnight flights are also cheap. Booking early windows can low your cost due to off season also. Even check the prices of the same on the multiple air lines. If possible prefer holiday packages, too. So, be aware of low air fares not just less air fares!

3. Accommodations and Food

Food and accommodation are two aspects which affect on cost control. The good option for food is take some home-made snacks along with you. So, when you feel like munching, have them instead of purchasing miscellaneous snacks every now and then. Even when you go to restaurants – order one-two dishes or items at first, and if you like the taste and quality of it – order more. As we are planning budget trips in India, you wouldn’t like the taste of your money go in vain. For water don’t spend too much on mineral water bottles. You can fill up the water bottles from hotels where you stay or even at the public places where you feel that quality is good enough. It saves a good amount of money. For accommodation part, be ensured about the rents as some fixed packages are good whereas you may get discount on some other schemes as well. You can even prefer some religious places like “dharamshala” to stay during your travelling. It also cuts down good amount of money of accommodation. Now, what next?

4. Stay Updated for the Same

If you have planned everything, it doesn’t mean that you don’t need to check its progress. Keep yourself updated by using latest technology tools. Sometimes post-updating your plans can make your journey cheaper. Consider taking regular look on online price trends, subscription of any travelling sites’ newsletters and regional news which can help you. For example, there is a recent prohibition on some place and you have already booked there. You can cancel it and get its refund. So, somehow you manage to save money while enjoying your budget trips in India. Also, keep an eye on trending offers and promotions regularly to cut down your cost up to major extent.

5. Local Crowd

The local people can help to make your travelling cheap. How? Do not hesitate to ask local crowd while travelling. You can ask them about some good places to travel in that region, availability of good + cheap food, nearby restaurants with delicious taste, mainly about the accommodation part. The hotels’ hospitality, service providing good or bad and many things like cheap purchase markets, good local shopping centers where you can get good stuff in reasonable rates. Yes, they are almost suggesting us good and reasonable things. They even feel proud about their region’s specialty. You can have better reviews. The best thing is they are happy to suggest and help you while you enjoy your budget-friendly trip. Well, get ready to go on the next destination within your budget and save money like a pro. Featured image by Dobovo.

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