Including the write type of content, information, and design elements can make your website more effective. The way you design the site makes it easier for people to connect to you. Keep reading to learn five things you should include on your author website.

1. Clean Design and Easy Navigation

No matter how great the content is on your website, it’s only as effective as the functionality. A clean layout makes your website attractive and easy to read. Easy navigation is also important to help visitors find the information they want. A website with a responsive design ensures everyone can see the content well. The design adapts to the type of device the visitor uses. Your content loads fully even on mobile devices. 

2. Author Bio

Your author bio helps people get to know you, your style, and your work. Getting to know you personally can help fans connect and want to read more of your work. Include fun facts, experience, family details, and other relevant background information as well as a professional photo. Having contact information on your author bio and on a separate contact page is also important. You can connect with fans who have questions or feedback. It’s also a good way for publishers, agents, and other professionals to contact you about opportunities.

3. Sales Page

Once you hook readers on your style, you want them to buy your books. Having a sales page that shows all of your books makes it easier for visitors to make a purchase.

Social media accounts let you have a more personal connection to your followers. You can easily respond to their comments and interact with them. Include links to your social media accounts so your fans can easily find you on those platforms. You can also make it easier for visitors to share content from your website with social media share buttons on each page. Visitors can easily click those links to share the specific article, page, or blog post they’re on.

5. Blog Content

Adding a blog to your author website lets you easily add fresh content on a regular basis. New material can help you rank higher in search results, giving your site more organic traffic. Your blog is also a way to connect more with visitors. You can share content that appeals to your target audience. It’s also a good way to share information on upcoming releases, workshops, speaking engagements, conferences, and other news that your fans want to know.

Include the Best Elements of Author Websites

Author websites help you connect to your current and future fans. Including the right elements on the website makes it more effective and helps you gain traction. Check out our archives for more useful information on websites.

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