Here I mention a few ways how to cultivate that habit or how to keep ‘Ideas Flowing’.

1. Move

It’s simple, change the scenery, get out, take a bus, go for a walk or travel place and just observe. Observe the things, people, the setting of the place. It sorts out mind and brings new ideas while you get acquainted with new scenarios. Read Similar to know more: 8 Jobs That Make You Fly Around the World Top 5 Luxurious Suites in the World

2. Try Meditation

Silence is underrated. If you’re surrounded by silence your brain might just decide to fill the void with ideas! Furthermore, through meditation mindfulness can be achieved which helps in building an observant mind and hence a creative one. Don’t miss out on 8 Tips to Avoid Harmful Morning Schedule

3. Feed Your Mind

Familiarizing with other ideas can broader your perspective and helps you find new ways to make your ideas viable. And so, read more books, read more articles, blogs, watch TED talks, hear out different ideas from different regions, communities, platforms, enrich your knowledge! It’s all going to help you in various ways, not only in flowing ideas to your brain. Also Read: 7 Apps to Increase Efficiency

4. Ask for Opinions

Asking for opinions from different types of people who tend to present an uninfluenced, unbiased standpoint can really help explore new perspectives and consequently generate ideas. Check out: How will You Find Yourself?

5. Believe

Of course no one was born creative; mastering the technique of keeping ideas flowing takes practice and doggedness. You got to believe the process, yourself; because doubt limits you and your ideas! Also read: Why You Should Avoid Being Perfect? Lastly I would like to say that ideas aren’t difficult, implementing them is. Long steady perseverance in mind training is required; since ideas don’t work out unless you do!

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