However, planning a honeymoon isn’t as simple as packing your bags and heading off. If you want to make the moment truly magical, you need to plan everything down to the finest detail. There can be a million questions to address, ranging from where you’re going, how long your trip will be, and, more importantly, what sexy underwear to bring along. So, if you find yourself fretting over honeymoon planning, we totally get it. And to help you out, we’ve got some tips that will help you gather your bearings and plan the trip of a lifetime.

1. Pick a place

Deciding a place to stay is inarguably one of the most important questions in honeymoon planning and also one you need to consider before anything else. There are two aspects to this process. First, you need to finalize the destination. And second, you need to decide which hotel or resort is the most suitable. The destination you pick will dictate everything on your trip, including the (out-of-bed) activities you do to the clothes you pack. Hence, you need to give careful thought to it. Many imagine that the hotel you stay at won’t make a difference. However, picking a shoddy, rundown location isn’t what you want for your honeymoon. You want a trip filled with luxury, relaxation, and comfort, so it’s important to book a place to stay carefully. Let’s suppose you’re heading to the glorious Smoky Mountains. You can take your pick from some luxurious Gatlinburg honeymoon cabins to have quick access to the stunning scenery and upbeat Southern nightlife. A quick search on Google will help you choose your ideal rental. Similarly, decide on your location, and scour the internet to book your resort.

2. Don’t steal someone’s itinerary

When you start honeymoon planning, you’re likely to get a lot of tips from other people. From your office friends to your mom, everyone will have something to say about what makes the perfect honeymoon trip. Some of the ideas you get about where to go, stay, what to eat, and what activities to do can seem enticing. Additionally, it can seem much easier to pick a tried and tested itinerary rather than putting together your own. However, what works for one couple may not work for the next, and your honeymoon itinerary needs to focus on what you and your partner want. Your parents may have loved a beachy, chill honeymoon, but you and your partner may want to go for something quirkier or in a different setting. When planning your itinerary, take tips from your loved ones but don’t make your final choice based on what worked for them. Instead, consult with your partner for a trip that suits both of you.

3. Set a budget

For many, the honeymoon is a no expense spared trip where you can let loose and have all the fun you want. However, even if you plan on spending a lot, you may want to have a budget to avoid falling into debt on your return. When you’re in a luxurious, scenic location with the love of your life, it can be easy to overspend. The worst thing can be realizing you’ve overspent and having to cut your trip short. To avoid overspending and cutting your romantic getaway short, discuss with your partner and set aside an amount from the start. Once you have open communication, it can be easy to stick to a budget without problems. Additionally, when planning the budget, be mindful of any hidden costs. Apart from covering the essentials, you want to have an emergency budget that can keep you afloat if anything unforeseen comes up. Meticulous planning in the early stages can save you a lot of trouble, especially when it comes to budgeting. Also read: Sweet Comments for Wedding Pictures

4. Don’t go overboard

It’s only natural to have a lot of expectations attached to your honeymoon. Heading to a remote, scenic, and romantic location with your partner can seem like the perfect opportunity to let loose. However, if you go overboard, you can take your trip from fun, relaxing, and romantic to hectic, stuffy, and tiring in no time. You might be tempted to squeeze in as much as you can do in the few days that you’re away. However, doing so can put a damper on the entire trip. Instead, go slow and capitalize upon leisure. You’ll already be pretty exhausted from the wedding planning and the wedding itself, so going overboard can wear you down. The days where you have no big places to visit or activities to enjoy can often be the most enjoyable on your honeymoon. These days give you time to relax and unwind with your partner, take in the scenery, and look forward to the life you have ahead.

5. Pick the right time

Most couples assume they need to jet off for the honeymoon immediately following the wedding. While that may work for some, it may not suit everyone. Instead, sometimes waiting to go for the honeymoon can give you a better trip. For starters, you can have more time to plan and narrow down on what both of you want. Additionally, waiting can often help you coincide your trip with holidays such as Christmas or Thanksgiving and let you have a much longer trip. Or, if you plan for honeymooning during off seasons, you can often find amazing discounts on flights, hotels, food, entertainment, and much more. So, when planning your honeymoon, be sure to take your time and figure out what timeframe works best for you and your partner. Also read: Trending Small Bedroom Ideas for Couples


It can seem impossible to get all the details right when you start honeymoon planning. However, by following these tips, you can have an incredibly relaxing, romantic, and rejuvenating trip you’ll look back upon for years to come. Once you start early, you can get all the planning done in time and can start to look forward to the fun that’s to come.

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