1. Showcase Your Values

It is no secret that such concepts as freedom, speed, independence, equality, etc. underlie biker philosophy. You don’t have to be a biker yourself to adhere to these same beliefs. What’s the best way to show what you believe in? That’s right, this is your style in general and jewelry in particular. Fortunately, biker culture has many symbols to help express your worldview. Choose wings if you value freedom, skulls if you know that life is impossible without death, and motorcycles if there is nothing better for you than the roar.

2. Look Cool

One of the reasons biker fashion is so popular is its badass quality. One little thing made of steel, silver, or leather can make your coolmeter go of the scale. Of course, one ring is not enough to turn a nerd into a toughie, but if you already have a reputation for a cool guy, biker jewelry will help solidify this status. Truth be told, not all biker symbols can be categorized as cool. Skulls, flames, Jolly Roger, wolves, lions, and the like are undoubtedly masculine and powerful. Along with this, motorcyclists use a variety of images and symbols with different connotations. They do not oppose symbols such as hearts, roses, fleur de lis, or other floral motifs. In the interpretation of bikers, flowers do not look like girl stuff at all. Yet they speak of the nobility and sensuality of those who ride two-wheelers. Read next: Top Performing Exhaust Systems For Dirt Bikes

4. Display Your Attitude Toward Biker Culture

Bikers take pride in the fact that their community is based on the principles of equality. The doors of biker clubs are open to everyone who shares their ideology regardless of their background, race, wealth, etc. Many clubs have even lifted membership bans for women. Yet the biker community is not homogeneous. It is split in half. On the one hand, we have the so-called 99% motorcycle clubs that respect the law of the state and the biker community alike. The beauty of biker culture is that it has many other symbols associated with good luck or a positive impact on a person. On the other hand, there is a smaller but very loud group of 1% of bikers, or as they are also called biker gangs. Outlaw bikers are crime freaks, they are the people who should be blamed for the not-so-good reputation of motorcyclists. Jewelry with 1% or 99% symbols (as well as many other symbols, acronyms, and motorcycle club logos) will show what you think about one or another part of the biker community. Read next: Wishes and Comments for New Bike

5. Start a Conversation

Although the attitude towards biker jewelry is difficult to call unambiguous, no one can deny its ability to start a conversation. Its size tends to be on the larger side meaning it is visible from near and far. Plus, it often carries eye-catching patterns or intriguing symbols. We guarantee that so many people will die to know their meaning. Plus, you can easily meet a motorcycle enthusiast on the street or in a bar, and your ring or pendant can start a great conversation about the mean machines. There are many more reasons to wear biker jewelry. This may be a gift from a friend, family heirloom, or part of your vintage jewelry collection, etc. Be that as it may, if you adopt this style, you will never remain unnoticed.

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