They all have different features and preferences. So, with summer on the way, you might wonder how to get green grass so you can enjoy your garden. It’s not hard if you follow the right steps at the right time. Wondering how to get a green lawn? Read on for our five lawn care tips.

1. Choose the Right Grass

You need grass that suits your climate. Think about the type of soil in your area, and its pH. Bear the environmental factors in mind. Some types of grass are better with shade. Others are more drought tolerant. Knowing how to grow green grass starts with growing the right grass for your location.

2. Follow the Right Mowing Method

Don’t mow your lawn too short in the summer. When it’s a little longer, the blades protect the roots from the sun. Mow less often and earlier in the day. Avoid mowing your lawn when the grass is wet. Check for any fungal infections or pest damage when you mow. Addressing these early is the key to great growth.

3. Water Properly

Water the lawn once a week in the early morning or late evening. This stops the water evaporating as the day warms up. Your lawn needs around an inch of water per week, but if you have summer water restrictions, you can go with half an inch per fortnight.

4. Use Fertilizer at the Right Time

To make grass thicker, add a fertilizer that suits your type of grass. Add fertilizer at the start of summer so it won’t damage the grass. Try a slow-release fertilizer for the best results. Do it on a warm morning on freshly mown grass. Water as soon as you’ve fertilized, and then daily for a week afterwards. You only need to fertilize your lawn once or twice a year. It doesn’t need more than this. Nitrogen is great since it’s the key nutrient for grass.  If this sounds confusing, try hiring someone to help with your home landscaping. For example, Walsh Landscaping will ensure your lawn always looks its best.

5. Keep Up With Maintenance

The right maintenance is key when you’re looking at how to take care of your lawn. First, pull out weeds whenever you see them. These will otherwise compete with your grass for nutrients, light and water. Corn gluten meal will fertilize the grass and kill weeds. Aerate the lawn to help oxygen reach the grass roots. Push a screwdriver into the soil. If it pushes in easily, you don’t need to aerate the soil. Otherwise, you need to aerate. Re-seed bare patches. Break up the ground and add your grass seeds to the patch. Add your starter fertilizer and spread this to help mix the seeds, soil, and fertilizer. Water and keep watering 3x a day for a week. Switch to watering once a day when grass appears.

That’s How to Get a Green Lawn

These five tips will help you understand how to get a green lawn. Start by choosing the right grass, and the right products for your grass. With the right prep and maintenance, your lawn will look amazing all year round. Check out our life section for more articles about the plants in your life.

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