With so many prodigal gals constantly swiping their credit cards or clicking the buy-now buttons on their favorite websites, businesses continue to up their feminine inventory. From customized lipstick tubes to diamond-encrusted glasses, there is no shortage of the amount of valuable crap you can find for the women in your life. And then there are the men… with their thrown-together cornered section of the retail world. The amount of “World’s best dad” hats and “I like to hunt and eat” t-shirts being unwrapped every holiday is seriously obnoxious. If you’re reading this article, kudos to you! Let’s do right by the guy in your life this year and make him feel extra special with one of the best birthday gifts he’s ever received. Grab your wallet and keep reading!

1. Sports Swag and Paraphernalia

Does your sofa have butt-cheek impressions on the middle cushion from hubby’s date nights with NFL Sunday night football? Or, is your coffee table permanently tarnished from all of the ice-cold beer bottles resting on it during dad’s time watching championship basketball games? If so, you should start ordering anything that has your guy’s favorite teams on it. Sports swag is among some of the best birthday and holiday gifts you can buy for any sports fanatic. And, the plus side is that you can find almost anything with a team logo on it:

hats jerseys throw blankets key chains signed sports paraphernalia

When shopping, be sure to check for any sports-themed coasters (we want to save your next coffee table from dad’s beer bottle negligence). Speaking of beer…

2.  Birthday Beer

Ever noticed how your boyfriend kicks off his shoes at the door and heads straight towards the fridge to grab a cold beer in hopes of slugging down the day? Yup, birthday beer is the way to go. Surf the web, there are many companies that offer gourmet beer. Next time babe comes home, have the fridge stocked with something he can slowly sip and savor to welcome the weekend in.

3. Gaming Gear

Okay, so your guy prefers to play sports rather than spending hours watching it, right? But if not sports, how about killing soldiers on the opposing end of his assault rifle? Or how about murdering half-dead zombies during a world-wide apocalypse? If you haven’t caught on yet he’s doing all of this from the room up the hall…because he’s home…because he is playing his game…you weirdo. Anyway, make the male in your life feel like a kid on Christmas by presenting him with a new gaming chair, or streaming equipment if he likes to play online. You can’t beat the purchase of gaming currency for his favorite gaming system as well. You may not see him for a few days, but consider the distance an extended thank you for your gifting efforts.

4. Food

You know the old saying “The closest way to a man’s heart is through his stomach”? Yea– it’s still true on birthdays. If you happen to be celebrating the birthday of a male foodie, preparing a great meal is essential. Not only does food bring people together, but you also get to spoil your male foodie with some of his favorite meals on his special day. Just like gift number 4, this is more of a “temporary- in the moment” kind of gift. However, the memories of enjoying his favorite food, prepared with love on his important day will be equally as special as receiving a physical gift.

5. Money

Who doesn’t want to hear the words “I love you, here is some money”? Sometimes the best gift is one that is purchased for yourself. If all else fails, just fork over the cash inside of a thoughtful card and let the guy in your life go shopping for himself. Men are not always comfortable asking for gifts, and some may even be too embarrassed or shy to ask for what they really want. In these cases, simply giving a bit of cash or a gift card to his favorite store can make your guy happy. Not into giving cash as a gift? No problem! You can offer to pay a bill or two (or sneak and do it) to alleviate a bit of financial responsibility for the month of your guy’s birthday. Paying a bill on his behalf will allot him some pocket money that he can in turn use to treat himself for his birthday.

The Best Birthday Gifts for Guys: A Starter List

Don’t just take this list and run with it as the final authority on all things men. The best birthday gifts for guys are not always so concrete. Use this list as a starting point, but be very observant leading up to your guy’s birthday. Pay attention to the things he is interested in, and be mindful of his personality. Would he consider himself a nerd, or is he a collector of some sort? Once you discover who your guy is at the core, gift-giving becomes much simpler–just please, no more corny catchphrases slapped on apparel. Assuming this article was helpful to you, give us the gift of browsing our site for more like it. You’re sure to find something else you like.

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