So brace yourselves and enjoy reading!!

1. Start Swiping!

Use mobile apps to find a date. Check out your single friends on social media. There are also trendy apps which can be used to get a possible match. You can always post or upload pictures on a social networking site with catchy captions which will indirectly hint your singledom and that you’re looking for a date on Valentine’s Day.

2.Utilize the Weekend before Valentine’s Day

You can host a single’s party to get a chance to find your special one. This pulls the couples out of the equation. Get a group of friends, converse with some people, and take their phone numbers. Pick out one with whom you felt that spark. If you truly hit it off with someone, you can approach them right then and there to go out for Valentine’s Day. The goal is to build a cute and fun style to ask them out. Knowing that you put in a lot of effort to do so will further entice your partner to say ‘yes’.

3. Shall we Dance?

Don’t be a lazy-bone, take to the floor! There’s an enormous variety of dance classes on offer – from salsa, jive and tango through to ballroom and you’ll develop a new knack and could confront your partner. So get out there and rehearse fancy footwork and flirting! Let both your hearts groove to the music beats!

4. Come Dine with Me!

The route to someone’s heart starts from the stomach. Dining is a very good option if you know the person for quite some time or even if you are meeting him/her for the first time. You can really open up while enjoying a delicious meal. Things get easier and lighter. Always ask them to choose the destination first. This is good manners and will give them some say. Perhaps, this will give you an opportunity to ask for the next dinner date on Valentine’s!

5. Let’s Chit-chat!

So you’ve sat down, and drinks are on their way – what’s next? Time to start talking!  Avoid awkward silences coz initiating a conversation is most important. It’s cool to speak about your hobbies, travel history and job etc. Got some funny stories to disclose? Go for it. One of the topmost quality people look for in a lover is humour. But make sure the conversation is two-way – you don’t want to seem over immersed in yourself. Pro-trick:  Find something in common which will be good ice breakers. After that, the conversation will just flow. Ask friends or check out their profile for clues as to what they’re into.

6. Be Confident

Confidence is the key, my friend! Staying shy can be sweet, but most often it’s better to emanate confidence. Go straight, and ask directly, “Will you be my Valentine?” or “Would you like to go out on Valentine’s Day?

7. Dress to Impress!

Dress with style and class. This implies wearing attire that is flattering to your possible match. Don’t deviate too much from your typical wardrobe, but be extra cautious when picking out an outfit and it will show. Also, ensure that you smell fresh. Apply mouth-fresheners. You do not want your breath smelling bad when you go to ask someone out for Valentine’s Day. Don’t forget to smile coz it’s the best dress you can wear. Visit the gym. Not only it will make you more physically fit, but also give you newfound confidence when you ask your date out for Valentine’s. The goal is to express your partner that you care about yourself, and them, to maintain how you look. And most importantly, ‘BE YOURSELF’. Sparks might fly, and who knows you can find your own love bird. CONCLUSION The essential ingredient to having a great Valentine’s Day is to find your perfect Valentine. Be careful with whom you choose to hang out with. Test if they are loyal first before going into a relationship. Go out, buy your date some roses, and really make this Valentine’s Day memorable. Wish you all the luck!

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