The question is, how can you stand out from the crowd?

1. Add a Thank You Care

Add a small card to each of your products thanking someone for their purchase. Let them know how much you appreciate the business and encourage them to leave an honest review on your listing. While not everyone will take you up on your offer, even a small number of extra reviews can make a big difference.

2. Conduct Keyword Research

Your goal is to try to incorporate as many keyword variations as you can in your product listing. Include it in your product title, specifications, and description. Of course, try to make your keywords flow naturally in your product description. People want to easily be able to figure out what product your business sells.

3. Take High-Quality Photos

While buying online does have many advantages, it has one significant drawback: it’s hard for customers to know what they’re buying if they don’t see it in person. That’s why high-quality photos are essential to selling products online. You need to give potential customers as good of a picture as possible if you want them to think about buying from your business. Don’t just snap a few product photos on your smartphone when taking product photos. Invest in professional photography for your product photos. Either buy a professional camera to take pictures or hire a professional product photographer for the job. It’s easy for anyone to copy the product you’re selling and set up their own shop. In some cases, their product will look identical to yours. This makes it hard for potential customers to tell the original from the copycat. The brand registry helps you track down people who copy your products and remove their listings. Doing this ensures that you don’t miss sales because of imitators.

5. Send Test Products

Of course, they won’t give you a great review just because you sent them a free product. Make sure you have a great product before you start looking for reviews.

6. Look Into Lightning Deals

If you’re trying to get your first customers, this is a great way to do so. The type of deals you’ll see is fairly unique, so the chances are good that you’ll find an audience for your products. Unfortunately, not all businesses have the resources or supply chain to offer fast shipping. It takes a lot of time and money to develop an excellent supply chain strategy. From Facebook to YouTube eCom, there are countless options for experimentation. Your goal is to start small on these platforms to see which ones produce the best results. Once you find a winning formula, replicate what you’re doing and scale your marketing efforts on the winning platforms.

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