After all, you have to inform the progress of the student to their parents in an efficient way that encourages parents and students, rather than frustrating and demotivating them.  And if you’re looking for some constructive comments for weak & average students then here you will find some great ideas and suggestions.  Moreover, these comments will definitely present your feedback in such a manner, that eventually motivates such students to improve by themselves.  Before that, let’s take a look at a constructive approach to follow regarding how to write effective and encouraging report cards. 

When writing a remark or comments on the report card…

While giving a remark to average students – make sure you give it in the most polite yet effective way. Don’t sound rude or use an insulting tone since it can discourage them or shatter their confidence. Your remark on weak and average students should leave a positive impression that can motivate them to work better and improve rather than building pressure on them. Here are a few tips to consider while sharing remarks for weak and average students:

1. Be sure to mention something that is positive as well.

Whenever you are providing the parents with updates on their child’s progress, you should also make sure the update does not look like pure criticism. Each child has a unique nature and personal interest in a specific subject. Make sure you highlight the positive aspects of students that make them unique in the class. 

2. There is always room for improvement.

Individuals or students, everyone has their separate approach to see and learn the same thing differently. A student who is weak or average in one subject doesn’t mean he’s not good enough for anything at all. Maybe he can’t connect with your teaching pattern and needs extra guidance to understand the concept. It is your responsibility, as a teacher, to disclose what you will do about it and what additional support you expect from students and their parents. 

3. Always be honest and inspiring to your students.

Report cards don’t always have to be all positive or negative. Sometimes it is better to share the truth than to hide it. Of course, you feel that negative comments will put some amount of pressure on the parents more than students, but it’s all worth it as long as you want to improve your student’s progress. Even if you see no good things about the weak student of your class, share something like hope and as an encouragement to the student as well. 

4. Be sure to include the parents.

Agree that a report card is all about the student’s academic and behavior performance, but you better not limit it to that as well. It is important to let their parents know about any strengths and weaknesses you identify. Highlight such uniqueness of their children that amaze you and what are the other scope of it. Share some suggestions to parents, include them in the growth of their kids. You should discuss how you can work together to discover a kid’s interests, so that he/she will be able to succeed.

5. Proofread your report before you send it.

No doubt, preparing report cards for each student is a tiresome task. And you may not have enough time to review that as well. But, proofreading and double-checking the reports is much more important than avoiding any grammatical errors. It further allows you to check whether your approach is constructive enough or not. And you can make adjustments to the reports that overall ensure parents that their children are under the hands of a supportive and caring teacher.  Now let’s take a look at some best comments that you can get ideas regarding what to write in the report cards. Sharing some ‘Positive’ and ‘Needs Improvement’ comment sections for better ideas about how to make your point direct and understandable.  Read next: How to Train Your Brain to Have Better Study Habits

Comments for weak students on report cards

Positive comments for students:

Needs improvement:

Read next: Distance Learning Tips for Online Students

Meaningful report card comments for weak student

Positive remarks:

Needs improvement:

Read next: Pros and Cons of Living On-Campus vs Off-Campus

General comments for weak & average students

Positive remarks for students: 

Needs improvement: 

Read next: Top Tips for Teaching Remotely

Final thoughts:

Report cards are meant to provide parents with feedback about their child’s progress. But that also helps teachers and parents to update their training approach as well. All children are unique and have their own way of learning. By comparing them to other students you are more likely to damage their morale than to support them to update. A report card or open conversation, following a mindful approach, is a must for both teachers and student’s parents. While advising or commenting on weak & average students’ performance, you better check:  Are you guiding them to improve or just forcing them to be like others?

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