This system uses an algorithm to find keywords in your resume that match the job description. So, while you do want your resume to look presentable, the content is what matters most. 64% said that administrative assistants have more promising career growth than five years ago. With this expectation, the competition is high.

Healthcare and social services Education Government Religious, grant-making and civic organizations Professional, scientific and technology services

These industries all come with their own rules and language. If you have applied for a role in one of these sectors, you may have to complete a task to demonstrate your understanding of the work involved.

What Will an Employer Look for in an Administrative Assistant Resume?

Your resume will need to highlight the specific skills and experience mentioned in the job description. The employer will be looking for those particular words when checking your resume. They will also be looking for examples of industry knowledge and essential soft skills. The role of an administrative assistant includes, but is not limited to:

Arranging travel Managing and coordinating diaries Greeting visitors Answering phone calls, email and social media messages Bookkeeping duties Typing documents and maintaining records

Therefore, the recruiter is looking for someone highly organized and personable. You’ll need to be flexible with a strong work ethic. Aesthetically, your resume needs to be elegant and clean. Your resume is a reflection of you, so it needs to be highly presentable.

Key Administrative Assistant Skills

Administrative assistant roles require a wide variety of skills. Some of the main ones are:

Attention to detail A strong work ethic Competence Organization Good verbal and written communication Team player Numeracy skills Customer service Research skills Flexibility Computer-literate Personable Self-starter Problem-solving Phone etiquette Planning

How to Write an Administrative Assistant Resume

Which Format to Choose

A standard resume is split into three sections. The first highlights your personal details and key skills, while the other two show your education and work experience. Your resume needs to be elegant, personable, and show confidence and authority. Some top tips to remember are:

Use clear and easy to read fonts in size 11 or 12. Don’t cram in as much information as you can. Leave some white space as it gives the reader a chance to rest their eyes and absorb what they have read. Make sure all your data is in reverse-chronological order and only use essential details and words. Leave double spaces between sections. Save your resume as a PDF.

As an administrative assistant, your key skill is organization. Ensure your resume reflects this by only containing necessary information and being a pleasure to read.

Name Title Contact number Professional email address

You can also include links to any social media accounts, blogs or your LinkedIn account if they are well-maintained and if you are happy for your potential boss to see them. For example: There is no need to include your address or location. If you need to, create a new email account using a professional name. No organization wants to send interview invitations to ‘’ or ’’.

Administrative Assistant Resume Objective or Resume Summary

With only seven seconds to make an impact, this paragraph should be specific. Think of it as your elevator pitch. Use a resume summary if you have relevant work experience. A resume objective is best if you are new to the field. Resume summary example:

Work Experience

Starting with the most recent, present your experience as follows:

Position name Dates Company Responsibilities and achievements

If this is your first role as an administrative assistant, you are probably applying for an entry-level position. If this is the case, the recruiter will not be looking for work experience in the traditional sense, but rather, experience in general. Use this section to detail:

Voluntary work where your tasks used the same skill set as the job description If you fulfilled an administrative role in any clubs that you are part of Internships

For example:

Developed associations that save the company $5,000 per year on travel. Trusted with a yearly budget of $2,000,000 to ensure executives’ work schedules ran smoothly. Trained two junior administrative assistants in preparation for senior roles.

However, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) found that companies prefer candidates with a bachelor’s degree for executive administrative roles. Present your education information as follows:

Degree type and major University and location Years studied GPA, awards and standout courses

For example:

GPA 3.0 Part of the editorial team for the school newspaper Courses included: Database Management, Accounting, Writing for Business

If you are a member of the International Association of Administrative Professionals (IAAP) or hold one of their certifications, you should mention it.

Hobbies, Interests and Projects

What you do in your spare time has nothing to do with the job description and should not impact you getting a job. But sharing a bit about yourself lets the employer know if you are someone they would want to work with. As an administrative assistant, you will be working closely with your employer. They will want to know that you are not just an administrative robot. It only needs to be a brief bullet-pointed section. Mention three to five hobbies that compliment or are relevant to your application. If your favorite hobby is birdwatching, write it down. Not only does it tell your recruiter that you are an incredibly patient person, but it also shows you have attention to detail. These little details let HR know more about your personality and what your strengths may be. It also gives them conversation-starters or ice-breakers for your interview.

What if This is Your First Administrative Assistant Job?

Whether you are a graduate or someone making a career change, the roles you apply for will no doubt be entry-level. As an entry-level applicant, you will not be expected to have a wealth of experience on your resume. However, there are ways to fill it out if you feel this section is lacking:

If you are a graduate or college student, take advantage of any on-campus or extracurricular activities that will help with your experience. Outside of the school network, take on administrative roles within your clubs or societies. Can you call yourself a treasurer of your club? Can you arrange community events? If you have the time, could you freelance or side-hustle as a virtual assistant? Not only can you earn some extra money, but it will also give you the experience and references that you need. Join Facebook groups dedicated to female entrepreneurs (if this is you) or digital nomads to find these roles. For those making a career change, you should also consider your previous experience for transferable skills. Think about apps and programs you can use. You are probably familiar with Microsoft Word, maybe others. At some point, you would have had a budget to manage, whether your personal one or someone else’s. Note this down. For any skills you think you may be lacking, take a course. For example, if spreadsheets are to be used for some of your daily tasks, then taking a short course in Microsoft Excel will show your determination.

Key Tips for Creating a Standout Resume

Final Thoughts

Whether it is your first job application or one of many, applying for a new job role can be stressful, especially if it is a role you really want. Take the time to research the company and the language they use. Try and build as many connections as possible through keywords and phrases. Don’t be afraid to show off your strengths. But make sure you have the evidence to prove each of your claims. Finally, believe in yourself. Confidence is contagious. If you feel good about your achievements while writing your resume, the person reading it will feel the same.