After all, most items are oddly shaped and are at risk of damage by simple mishandling. So how can you properly protect your parcel?  With this guide, you can find all the answers to your packing questions. From how to wrap it to what label to place on the box, you can learn how to ship fragile items correctly.  Now, are you ready to get started? Here’s an in-depth look at shipping fragile items:

1. Wrap it Well 

To protect any fragile item, you must wrap it in the right packaging materials. It’s worth spending both time and money to get it right that way; your package won’t arrive in pieces.   You can wrap your item in bubble wrap to protect it from any damage, or you can place it with packing peanuts. Packing peanuts are commonly used if you have an oddly shaped item. Since they help fill the gaps without putting any pressure on the item itself, they’re great for packing and shipping.   Although, if you want ultimate protection, experts suggest using both bubble wrap and packing peanuts to secure all fragile items. To do so, wrap the item safely in bubble wrap and then place a layer of packing peanuts in the box to prevent the item from moving or shifting too much. That way, the item will remain intact throughout the shipping process. 

2. Don’t Save Tape 

One of the worst things you can do is not use enough tape. After all, if you don’t tape the package correctly, the contents may arrive broken or damaged.  To avoid such scenarios, make sure you use high-quality packaging tape, as well as use the H method to seal all potential openings. The H method consists of running tape around each corner of the box as well as the center, thus creating a letter H.  To ensure the box stays in top condition, use two layers of tape, especially if the parcel has a long way to travel. That way, it will help the contents stay secure and safe throughout its long journey. 

3. Don’t Pack it Too Tightly  

One mistake people often make when packing is wrapping items too tightly. You might think it will decrease the amount the item shifts, thus reducing the amount of damage. However, it has the opposite effect. Packing items tightly applies pressure to the fragile items and likely results in them being broken during transit.  The best way to pack any fragile item is to do it loosely but securely. For example, wrap your item with bubble wrap but do so in a way that it has some room to move within the bubble wrap.  You don’t want it to be such a loose fit that the bubble wrap comes off entirely, but you also don’t want the packing materials to apply too much pressure to the fragile materials. With that in mind, aim to pack the box, so the fragile items are well supported and securely packaged but not too tight that it applies pressure to the item.  

4. Consider the Elements  

You might have prepared for a little mishandling, but have you prepared for the weather? Rain, snow, and puddles all can affect the outcome of a package. If your package is traveling far, consider how moisture can threaten your fragile item, perhaps damaging it’s paint or corroding the item all together.  If you’re concerned, you can always place the item in a plastic bag or secure it in shrink-wrap. That way, moisture doesn’t have a way to get in. 

5. Label It  

Fragile items need to be treated carefully; thus, you need to let others know your parcel is indeed fragile. Make sure to label the box as “fragile” in a clear, bold font that’s easy to locate and easy to read.  Instead of writing directly on the box, you can place a sticker that details the contents. For instance, you can place a sticker that says “fragile glassware” or “fragile frames;” that way, delivery carriers understand what they’re carrying and how best to transport it.  You can also write which way the parcel should be placed if needed. That way, delivery carriers know to handle your package carefully, or it can be easily broken.  

6. Be Insured 

You can try your hardest by carefully packaging your fragile items as well as labeling them correctly; however, once it leaves your hands, it’s out of your control. This lack of control may make you feel uncomfortable, although there’s certainly one way around it!  Make sure the item inside is insured. Whether it’s of high cost or of personal value, it’s always good to have some peace of mind by insuring your item.  Especially if it goes overseas in a shipping freight. While insurance may be costly depending on the weight of the item, it’s certainly worth it. 

Ship Fragile Items Today  

Shipping fragile items can be difficult. However, if you wrap your items with bubble wrap and place a generous layer of packing peanuts within your box, your items should stay safely intact. Although, make sure to add a hefty layer of tape to all openings as well.  Just don’t forget to label the box and add important details like which way the box should be placed or what breakable materials are inside. If you follow these steps, your package should arrive at its destination securely and in one piece.  Now, for more information about how to ship fragile items, visit our website today. We look forward to helping you! 

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