Holi, aptly called the festival of colours, brings people together to rejoice life and apply colours (gulaal) on each other. However, the only downside of this festival is the after effects that these colours leave on your skin. These days not all colours are herbal formulated or made out of all natural ingredients, some contain dyes, chemicals, heavy metals and elements like mica, acid and other harmful alkalis. Such formulation can cause itching and rashes. Serious infections and skin injuries due to continues scratching of the skin has also been reported in some cases.

Here’s how you can take care of your invaluable skin. Read on and thank us later.

  1. Apply a generous amount of coconut oil or mustard oil on your face, neck, ears and arms. Cold creams can also be used as they form a thick protective layer on your skin. Apply it one hour in advance so that it helps your skin to absorb it. The grease of the oil and the cream will save your skin from the damage.

  2. Apply coconut oil or mustard oil to your scalp to prevent your hair from dry colour damage. If you have a sensitive scalp, rub lemon juice onto your scalp before you oil your hair.

  3. Apply Vaseline or a lip-balm on your lips to keep them moisturized throughout. Using Vaseline under your nails is also advisable.

  4. Trim your finger and toe nails before the festival. It is also advisable to apply a nail polish to further decrease the chemical after effects caused by holi colours.

  5. Apply sunscreen with a high SPF. This will protect you from the sun as well as the colours. Especially,  if it’s going to be a bright sunny day.

  6. Hydrating yourself is the key. Drink lots of water before stepping out and also after you are done with the festivities. Dehydration causes your skin to dry and combined with harsh chemicals, the colour might seep into your skin.

  7. Investing in a pair of water goggles is a must. Water goggles protect your eyes from any chemical damage. Apply sunscreen or petroleum jelly around your eyes as well.

Trending Us wishes you a Very Happy & Healthy Holi! 🙂 Get a website at the price of coffee from Websiters. Featured image by SantiNiketan  

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