When Are You Likely to Encounter a Concentration Test?

In a working environment where there are potential safety risks, concentration is vital. This is why some employers will require potential employees to undertake a series of assessments such as concentration tests. Suppose the position you have applied for requires repetitive actions and high concentration levels, especially in a potentially hazardous environment. In that case, employers may choose to use this type of assessment. The results of tests such as this help businesses to make sure that they choose a candidate capable of meeting their requirements.

What Does a Concentration Test Assess?

Many things are considered when an employer looks at the result of a concentration test. Three of the most common skills which employers are looking for in a potential employee are:

Level of alertness – The primary aim of a concentration test is to measure a candidate’s ability to remain alert, even when performing repetitive and potentially boring tasks Assessment skills – A candidate’s ability to assess problems is vital to them being able to find solutions. The assessment will look at how well individuals can solve the questions they are given Organizational skills – Having a high level of organizational skills would usually indicate an ability to concentrate for longer periods

What Types of Concentration Tests Are There?

The most common tests for individuals to be asked to take are the Group Bourdon and SCAAT tests.

Group Bourdon Tests

This test can be administered in both an electronic and paper format. You may be able to find out which version you are taking ahead of the assessment, which will help you to prepare for it. During the assessment, you will be shown five tables or charts, which are typically 25 x 21. These will either have letters or dots in a variety of groupings. You will be asked to find specific sets of groupings within those charts. These will usually be in groups of four. The aim is to mark each of the groupings that you have been asked for within the time limit. The time limit for this assessment is 10 minutes, so you will essentially have two minutes to find all of the required groupings on each chart.


The SCAAT test is one of the world’s leading assessments when it comes to needing to evaluate concentration. Because of this, it tends to be more widely used by transport companies. During this assessment, you will be given three sets of exercises to complete. Each of these sections will then be split into three individual sheets of questions. Candidates are given one minute to complete each sheet. This test is often completed electronically, and the sheets will automatically move on when your time is up. Set 1: In a similar way to the Group Bourdon test, you will be required to find a specific symbol within a page of shapes or letters. This has been described as finding a needle in a haystack. There will be one symbol to find per sheet. Set 2: The second stage of the test moves things up a notch. Rather than finding one symbol, candidates are now required to find two symbols within the same time frame. Set 3: The final stage of the assessment means that you will need to find a specified symbol as in the previous sections. In addition to this, you will need to find a changing shape within each line of symbols. It is not expected that candidates should finish the whole assessment. But it is important to complete as many questions as you can.


This is a smaller and shorter version of the main SCAAT test. It is typically used as a pre-shift test for employees to make sure they are able to operate safely during their working hours. It can also be used as part of a recruitment process to weed out any candidates who are likely to struggle with the full test.

Example Questions

Example One: Group Bourdon

This is a reduced-size chart, but it will give you some idea of what to expect during the Group Bourdon test. This is also similar to the style of question which you will find during the first stage of the SCAAT test. Sometimes, a potential employer will tell you when they offer you an interview and outline the interview process. If they don’t, then it is perfectly acceptable to ask for details. This means that you can research the assessment ahead of time.

Practice Tests

Once you know which assessment you will be taking, the next step will be to take some practice tests. This is useful as it will help you to understand the potential formats of questions that you may see in the real test. It will also help to familiarise yourself with the type of questions that you may be expected to answer. Many websites will offer sample questions and practice tests. You may need to pay for the full-length version of assessments. Still, often you will have the opportunity to take a few practice questions, or a shortened version of the test, for free.

Be Prepared for Repetitive Questions

The test is designed to measure your ability to concentrate even in boring situations. Because of this, the questions you find within a concentration test are likely to be repetitive and potentially boring.

Practice Against the Clock

Concentration tests will always be timed. Your score will be based not only on how many correct answers you give but also on how many questions in total you are able to answer within the time limit. Taking practice papers that are timed will help you make sure that you are answering promptly and accurately, which will lead to better scores overall.

Remove Distractions Where Possible

You may be asked to complete the test at an assessment center, in which case it will be done under test conditions and with very few distractions. It is possible, however, that you will be asked to complete it remotely at a time of your choosing. In this case, it is always a good idea to make sure that you are able to take the test somewhere quiet, where you have no distractions. This will mean that you are more able to concentrate.

Practice Relaxation Techniques if You Are Nervous Before Tests

Nerves can affect your ability to focus. If you are someone who generally finds tests and assessments stressful, then it might be a good idea to practice some mindfulness and breathing techniques. These may enable you to better focus on the task at hand.

Get Enough Rest

It is always a good idea to get enough rest before any kind of assessment. It is particularly important for assessments that require a lot of concentration as being tired can affect your ability to focus. Make sure that you get a good night’s sleep the night before you take a concentration test to feel at your best.

Final Thoughts

Concentration is vital in some lines of work where it can mean the difference between being able to operate safely or not. Avoid letting your nerves get the better of you by researching the assessment you are being asked to take and practicing ahead of time. This will enable your natural focusing skills to be shown to the best of your ability.

title: “How To Pass A Comprehension Test Free Questions Tips 2023” ShowToc: true date: “2022-12-20” author: “Cathy Hanson”

Employers will then use the results of tests such as this to evaluate how well candidates can understand the information presented to them in the form of text. Comprehension tests can be found at any level of recruitment; however, they are more commonly asked for when employers are hiring for graduate and management level positions. As a general rule, the difficulty of the test will vary depending on how much skill is required for the role. This style of testing is not only used in private company recruitment. It is common for individuals who are applying for the emergency services or military to be asked to complete a range of cognitive assessments. Students may also be asked to complete comprehension tests as part of the admissions process to some schools and colleges.

What Will a Comprehension Test Involve?

Candidates are shown a series of questions that involve reading a passage and then answering questions about what they have read. This is normally in the format of a multiple-choice question where individuals are required to select the correct answer. The test will typically be timed; therefore, candidates must be aware of how long they spend thinking about each question. You will not be shown the passage or questions beforehand, so it is likely to be a subject matter which is unfamiliar to you.

Example questions

Question: For a dog to be considered a lurcher, what combination of breeding should it have? a) Sighthound and sighthound b) Sighthound and herding c) Sighthound and working d) Sighthound and terrier Question: How long did it take for the New Horizons probe to reach Pluto? a) 8 years b) 9 years c) 10 years Question: The numbers on a toaster refer to the level of toastiness a) This is true b) This is false c) They don’t mean anything at all Just because eye colour is determined by genetics, this does not mean that location doesn’t play a part at all. Studies have shown that Europeans have the widest range of potential eye colours. This is likely to be because of the huge variance in cross-continent travel throughout history, with trade routes meaning that people from different areas of Europe, Asia and Africa regularly came together. Other areas of the globe had less travel, which means that there were fewer opportunities for DNA mixing. In these areas, there is likely to be less variance of eye colour. Question: Which of these is accurate? a) Europeans are more likely to have brown eyes b) Europeans are more likely to have blue eyes c) Europeans are more likely to have varied eye colour d) Europeans are more likely to have the same eyes as one another This will help you to understand the format of the questions and understand the type of passages that you might see. It can also be a good way of understanding any areas where you need to improve and enables you to work on those weaker areas. There are many websites that offer free practice tests. These are generally a good place to start when it comes to preparing for your assessments. Using practice tests, you can make sure that you are able to complete the assessment within the required time limits. The time limit on the real assessment may be different to the limit on practice papers. It is always a good idea to check what the limit is before you start.

Read the Passages Quickly but Thoroughly

You will need to spend most of your time during the assessment answering the questions. Because of this, it is important to read the passage quickly yet thoroughly. Make sure that you understand what is written before you start answering questions. Remember, if there is something you are unsure about, you can always go back and take another look at the passage.

Only Use the Passage to Answer Questions

All of the answers will be found within the passage. It is important to remember that this is an assessment of your ability to understand what is written. It is not looking at whether you can imagine what an answer would be or whether you know additional information about the subject. You should choose your answers based on only the information within the passage.

Make Sure That You Get Enough Rest

Sleep affects your ability to concentrate and can also impact how well you are able to understand questions. It is important to make sure that you are well rested ahead of the assessment, as this will enable you to perform to the best of your ability.

Practice Relaxation Techniques if You Suffer From Anxiety During Tests

If you are someone who suffers from pre-test nerves, then it can be helpful to practice relaxation techniques such as mindfulness and breathing techniques. This can help you to get a handle on your nerves and enable you to fully concentrate on the assessment.

Final Thoughts

Comprehension tests are essentially designed to assess a skill, which most of us will use every day without even realising that we are doing it. The most important thing to remember when taking one of these assessments is that it is looking to assess a skill you already own. Practice papers and understanding the time limit will enable you to perform at your best on the day. Above all, don’t get overconfident. Being overconfident going into the assessment can lead to not taking enough time to fully understand what is being asked of you. A thorough approach can help to avoid unnecessary errors.