Let’s have a look towards tips for gaining motivation for your work or your studies:

1. Keep your goals in your mind

Constantly reminding ourselves about our goals will not only help us understand the goal better, but it will also, help us consider different alternatives through which we can achieve them!

2. Paper chits

 This is a self tried method, and it worked for me! So, make small chits of paper and write some amazing motivational quotes on them and stick these chits on your mirror or cupboard.  So, that you read them every single day and get motivated and also get strong by not giving up!

3.  Attack on tough parts first

 Always allot more time to subjects or work that you find difficult and also keep in mind to finish them first and then go ahead with less tougher subjects/work. It should go in a descending order of difficulty.

4.  Always, always be positive

 Just think it this way, if some other human being can do it, why can’t you? He/she is as much human being as you are; he/she eats the same food that you eat. So there’s not much of a difference, is it?! By whatever means, you can keep yourself positive, do it.

5.  Have patience

 Patience is the golden word here. Don’t give up, if your goals aren’t achieved on time or if you are just starting to get ‘too skeptical’ about your abilities because you are not achieving what you want. Handle the situation positively, patiently and deal with it with double rigor this time.

6.  Keep a proper balance with time and your interests

this will keep you calm and will not hamper your work. Instead this will increase the effectiveness of your work, in turn increasing your motivation and you’ll be able to perform better.

7.  Compare your performance with what you were before

 Comparison will again lead you to become more motivated towards your goal. Don’t compare yourselves with others, instead compare your past and present performances.

8.  Give small successes their rewards

 Giving rewards to small successes help you to achieve bigger targets! Always reward yourself on completion of each and every step in the process of achieving your goal.


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