Online application Review Personal interview Selection interview Decisions

For further detail on interviews, check out this article on interview questions at Mazars.

Online Application

The online application requires you to decide which training scheme you wish to apply for and complete an online application form.


Once Mazars have reviewed your application you will be asked to complete online numerical reasoning & verbal reasoning tests. The tests are provided by Kenexa.


If your application is successful, the next stage is a one-to-one interview. This will be a one-hour interview with a manager or member of the graduate recruitment team. At the beginning of your first interview, you will be given an analytical exercise to read and discuss. The remainder of the interview will consist of questions based on the key skills that Mazars feel are important in the role that you have applied for.

Selection Interview

This consists of:

Meeting the team Partner interview Written exercises A group exercise where you are given a scenario to discuss. An in-tray exercise.

If feedback from your interview is good, you will be invited to come and meet the team at your chosen office. You will be interviewed by a partner and asked to do some team and written exercises.

Group Exercise

The group exercise is relatively straightforward. You will be presented with a scenario that you have to make a group decision on. You will have about 15 minutes to read and consider it and then 30 minutes to discuss and reach a decision. It is more important that everyone participates rather than what the final decision is. The most important thing is to make sure that you express your views but also listen to what everyone else is saying. You need to be able to persuade others to your point of view but also notice when others have good points of view.

In-Tray Exercise

Some other companies will do this electronically but with Mazars it is paper-based. There were three exercises to do:

Basic emails (prioritise them) Making programs Responding to a memo

The task itself is not challenging but there is extreme time pressure. It is important that you spend as much time writing as possible, and focus on getting things done within the time limit.


Usually, the assessment process takes place in the morning and is followed by a buffet lunch. This is informal and allows an opportunity to meet the partners and managers, and ask questions about Mazars.


You will be informed within two weeks if your interviews have been successful.