They are called ‘fulfillment centers’ because the whole process is fulfilled in one location, from inventory arriving to orders going out. Fulfillment centers run multiple shifts each day, employing over 250,000 full-time staff in 175 locations across the globe. They are very flexible in their hiring approach and are regarded as an equal opportunity employer. This means that they employ individuals from all types of backgrounds and with all levels of ability. On-the-job training is provided, so applicants don’t even need to have experience of working in a warehouse environment, although this can be helpful.

Be over the age of 18 Hold a GED or equivalent diploma Have the ability to read and speak English for safety reasons

Different positions may hold extra requirements. It is always a good idea to thoroughly read a listing before choosing to apply. For example, roles that require the use of heavy machinery such as forklift trucks may require specific licenses and training. Candidates will find that the majority of the recruitment process is completed online or over the phone. Generally, the process will follow four steps:

1. Online Application

Once you have found the position you wish to apply for, you will need to complete an online application. This will require you to submit information regarding your education, previous experience and qualifications. You will also be asked to list references which the recruiter can verify.

2. Online Assessments

If your application is successful, you will next be asked to complete a variety of online assessments. The exact number of these will vary depending on the role you have applied for. However, most fulfillment staff will be required to complete a numerical assessment as well as a work style assessment.

3. Telephone Interview

Not all applicants will be required to have a telephone interview, but be aware that they sometimes happen. During a telephone interview, you are likely to be asked to confirm the information given during your initial application. You may also be asked questions relating to your availability, expectations and previous experience. Some people will find that they receive a call or email inviting them to an in-person interview instead of a telephone interview.

4. In-Person Interview

The last stage of the interview process is attending an in-person interview. This will usually be a relatively informal conversation with your potential employer. It is an opportunity for them to get an idea of what your personality is like and ask you questions relating to your previous experience and work ethic. During an in-person interview, you may be asked questions relating to workplace scenarios. You will be shown a series of statement pairs, and the objective is to select the one which you think describes you the best.

Work Sample Situation

The work sample situation assessment is a much longer test and will typically take between 20 minutes and one hour. During this time, you will be asked to complete simulated tasks relating to activities involved in the role you have applied for. This will enable you to showcase your decision-making, problem-solving, interpersonal and prioritization skills.

Research the Role

Before applying for any position, you should always research the role. Make sure that you know what will be expected of you and what responsibilities you may have. This can help you to decide whether or not the position will be suitable for you. For example, a role that involves changing shift patterns may mean that you need to consider childcare.

Research the Company’s Values

Understanding a company’s values can provide valuable insight for you when you go through the interview process. By looking at their mission statement, interviews and press coverage, you can get an idea as to what type of individual they are looking for as an employee and whether or not you feel that you would be a good fit. It can also help you tailor your answers during the process if you know what an interviewer could be looking for.

Understand the Leadership Principles

The 16 leadership principles to consider are:

Customer obsession Ownership Invent and simplify Are right, a lot Learn and be curious Hire and develop the best Insist on the highest standards Think big Bias for action Frugality Earn trust Dive deep Have backbone; disagree and commit Deliver results Strive to be Earth’s best employer Success and scale bring broad responsibility

Take Practice Tests

Most online assessments will be timed, so it is important to take practice assessments ahead of the real thing. Not only does it help to familiarize you with the questioning style, but it will also help you to ensure that you can answer all of the questions within the allotted time. Incompleted assessments will automatically leave you with a lower score; therefore, practicing is essential to ensure you achieve your best possible result.

Read the Instructions

Always make sure that you read the instructions. Not only is this valuable advice for life in general, but it is vital when completing assessments. Take a few minutes to read through the instructions thoroughly before you begin answering. That way, you can avoid unnecessary mistakes.

Use the STAR Method

The STAR method is an important tool to use in interviews and can be adapted to almost any situation. By using this method, you can give structured responses to questions that include examples and are relevant to the role you are applying for.

S: Situation – Outline the situation which you are going to be speaking about T: Task – What was your task? A: Action – What action did you take in order to achieve your task? R: Result – What was the end result of the task?

Know the key competencies of your role and how you will show these skills When you research the position you are applying for, this should help you to understand the key competencies of the role. When you know what a company is looking for in candidates, it can help you to think of answers and examples which you can use to showcase your skills.

Make Sure You Have a Stable Internet Connection

The assessments are performed online. It is, therefore, vital to have a secure, reliable internet connection. If your connection drops during the assessment process, it could negatively impact your results.

Inform Your Recruiter of Any Special Requirements

Some individuals need special considerations when it comes to taking assessments. For example, those with dyslexia may need extra time to read through and properly answer questions. Individuals with visual conditions may need to take assessments that are compatible with specific software programs. Inform your recruiter of any considerations in plenty of time so that solutions can be put in place for you.

Find Somewhere Quiet to Take the Assessment

It is always better to take assessments in a quiet location. This is so that you can properly concentrate on the assessment without distractions. If you have a quiet room, this is the ideal space to take the assessments. If not, consider asking a friend if they have a space you can use.

Be Authentic

There is no point in trying to be someone else when applying for a job. Even if you don’t think that you necessarily fit the criteria, it is much better to be true to who you are, rather than trying to portray someone you’re not. If you are not honest in your answers, you could find yourself in a role that doesn’t suit you and leaves you feeling dissatisfied.

Final Thoughts

However, as with all interviews and assessments, your success can come down to whether or not you have done enough preparation beforehand. Taking time to research the role, understand the leadership principles and take practice tests can mean that you are able to perform at your best on the day.