If you are applying for a job in the military, police or emergency services, you may be asked spatial reasoning questions. This will involve a map or street plan and you will need to show that you can understand directions and that you can use the map to plan, follow or describe routes. Spatial ability tests bear a superficial resemblance to abstract reasoning tests, as both contain a series of pictorial figures rather than words or numbers. However, spatial ability does not involve analysis and reasoning: it is purely a test of mental manipulation.

A Free Example Spatial Reasoning Test

To help you get an idea of what a spatial ability test involves, here is a mini test to get you started:

What to Expect on a Spatial Ability Test

Ability tests can take place at any stage in the recruitment process but are usually used to screen candidates before the first interview. Some organisations prefer to use them later on, say before a second interview or shortlisting, or at several times throughout the whole selection process. These tests will normally be taken on a computer, either at your home, a test centre or assessment day. Questions will be multiple-choice and you will normally have a limited amount of time to answer, so you’ll be expected to work quickly. Spatial ability questions often involve:

The visual assembly or disassembly of objects Objects that have been rotated or viewed from different angles Objects that have different markings on their surfaces

Generally speaking, if the questions involve the manipulation of two-dimensional objects then they are probably fairly straightforward, but you will be challenged to answer them all in the time you are given. Questions involving the manipulation of three-dimensional objects are significantly more difficult. This is one skill that can be significantly improved with practice. Your test score will usually be compared to a norm group. Each employer will have a certain standard that they will expect you to reach,so it pays to do the very best you can in the tests. This guide will help you prepare. Each group has 25 small drawings of these two-dimensional objects. The objects in the first group are labelled with numbers and are in numerical order. The objects in the second group are labelled with letters in alphabetical order. Each drawing in the first group is exactly the same as a drawing in the second group. The objects in the second group have been moved and some have been rotated. You are not looking for reflections for these questions. These questions use a large number of shapes that are presented close together. Some people find this very distracting and find it easier to work through the shapes in the second group systematically, rather than trying to look at the whole group at once. In some questions of this type, there may not be a one-to-one match and some of the shapes in the first group may not appear in the second. The way that the question is worded will make this clear. You should be especially careful to look out for reflections in the second group as these will be incorrect. These are often put in by the test designers to trap the unsuspecting. For example:

2. Visual Comparison – Two Dimensional

In these types of question, you will be presented with several objects, only two of which are identical. Once again, these are speed questions and you will need to work quickly and attempt to answer as many as possible in the given time.

Example Question

It can be quite difficult to discipline yourself to adopt this systematic approach, as you may think that it is quicker just to look at all of the shapes until the answer ‘jumps out’ at you. The problem with this is that if the answer doesn’t ‘jump out’ fairly quickly then panic sets in and you usually resort to the systematic approach anyway. When you are confronted with a question like this that asks you to compare several different shapes, the other answer options can be distracting. It is much easier and less mentally tiring to cover the other shapes and concentrate only on the two shapes that you are comparing. In the example above, the white square is clockwise from the arrow. This means that A, B and D cannot be rotations of the question figure. This leaves only C as a possibility, which can quickly be checked element by element.

4. Combining Two–Dimensional Shapes

These questions show you a series of two-dimensional shapes. One of the shapes has been cut up into pieces. The questions present you with the pieces and you are asked to work out which of the shapes has been cut-up.

Example Question

One thing to remember is that if the complete shapes don’t have any bits sticking out (they usually don’t) then the components must fit together so that sides of the same length are together. This reduces the number of combinations considerably.

5. Cube Views in Three Dimensions

These questions show you several (usually three) views of a three-dimensional cube with unique symbols or markings on each face and then asks you a question about it. For example, which symbol is on the opposite face?

Example Question

You will get access to three PrepPacks of your choice, from a database that covers all the major test providers and employers and tailored profession packs. In the question above, for example, you can simply use a process of elimination. If you can see a symbol next to the ‘X’ on the cube, then it cannot be opposite. The second and third cubes eliminate A, B and C. This leaves only D and ‘other’ as possibilities. D has edges shared with A and B, which would be consistent with the third cube illustrated. Therefore, D is correct. Although it is not usually specified in the instructions, it is almost always true that in these questions each symbol is used only once. This means that even in cases where elimination is not possible, it is sometimes quite easy to see the solution without mentally manipulating the cube too much. In the example above, you can simply compare the first and third illustrations. The third illustration shows a 90-degree anticlockwise rotation (looking at the cube from above) of the first illustration. Therefore, D must be opposite the ‘X’.

6. Cubes in Two and Three Dimensions

These questions show a flat (two-dimensional) pattern that can be folded to make a cube. The answer options will usually be four three-dimensional cubes. The pattern and the cubes have symbols or markings on each face. You need to look at the pattern and decide which of the cubes, if any, could be made from it.

Example Question

The best strategy for this type of question is to call one face of the cube the ‘front’ and then name the other faces of the cube in relation to it. For example: You can then:

Look at the front of the cube Find that face on the pattern Use the pattern to identify the ‘top’ and eliminate any options that do not match Use the pattern to identify the other face that touches the ‘front’ (in this example LHS) and eliminate any options that do not match

The problem may also be posed the other way around. Here you would have a single three-dimensional cube and several two-dimensional patterns, only one of which, when folded, will make the cube.

7. Other Solids in Two and Three Dimensions

These questions are similar to the cube questions above but rather than cubes, they use other solid shapes which may be irregular. In some respects, these questions are easier than the cube questions as there are more relationships to work with. In other words, each face of the solid shape has a shape of its own rather than just being square.

Example Question

This makes things easier because even though the solid shape may have more faces than a cube, it is unusual for more than four faces to be shown. This means that you need to consider the relationship between the four visible faces, paying particular attention to shading or other patterns on them. You just need to use the instructions to navigate the map. As long as you have a basic sense of direction, this will seem relatively straightforward, but you will need to do so quickly and accurately.

Example Question

A. North B. South C. East D. West A. M B. N C. R D. P

9. Block Counting in Three Dimensions

In these questions, you will be given a three-dimensional drawing of a shape formed from a group of blocks, some of which may be hidden. You will be asked to identify how many blocks have been used to make up the shape. You will need to visualise the blocks you cannot see.

Example Question

Example Question

Spatial Ability Tests: Tips and Techniques

These five tips are well worth remembering before you take the spatial ability test for real:

If you are allowed, bring and use a stopwatch. Calculate the maximum amount of time to be allocated to each question and stick to it. Research the different test providers so you know what to expect in your test. Work swiftly but carefully. Read the questions thoroughly and underline key words to keep you focused. Keep practising until you can answer all types of spatial ability question with ease.

How to Develop Your Spatial Reasoning Ability

Tests which also explain how to arrive at the answers are particularly good, such as the ones available from JobTestPrep here. However, spatial awareness tests assess mental manipulation, rather than analysis and reasoning skills. Spatial awareness tests are common in the recruitment process for roles in the emergency services and military. Candidates applying for jobs in design, production, and technical professions may be required to sit a spatial awareness. Since most tests are online, you will need to manipulate images in your mind, rather than by using a piece of paper. Problems relating to 2D objects tend to be easier to solve than problems relating to 3D objects. For the best chance of passing, read the instructions carefully, improve your time management, and practice your spatial reasoning abilities. Not all spatial awareness tests are the same, so you will need to research the publisher to find out what to expect from the test. These include Asperger’s Syndrome, attention deficit disorder (ADD), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), cerebral palsy, dyspraxia or autism. In this test, candidates have 20 minutes to answer as many questions as possible. Speak to your prospective employer to find out how long the spatial awareness test they use is. Find out which test provider is being used by your prospective employer so that you can find out what to expect from that specific test. Practice reading the questions thoroughly, underlining important words to ensure you stay focussed. Practice answering questions from all areas of the test. Spend more time on the questions that you find most difficult. Keep practicing until you can answer all types of spatial reasoning questions with confidence. Use your imagination to think about how everyday objects might fit together. You could also try drawing objects in 3D. Think about how shapes appear from different perspectives. Try drawing a shape, illustrating its reflection, and using a mirror to check if you are correct. Some people find it easy to visualise both two and three-dimensional images and diagrams, but even if it doesn’t come naturally, thorough practice of all the different question types and a process of elimination will greatly improve your chances of success.