Right now, our David is slowly making his way across the country. With the help of Jason and the awesome Otto, he’s planting his stakes in California. But just getting out of Detroit appears to be a monumental effort. Our dear leader is a man who uses a truck bed as a refrigerator, eats spaghetti in the shower, and peppers his yard with tools and car parts. It’s through him that I recently learned that an impact will still work even after you’ve left it just sitting in some wet grass for who knows how long. In addition to helping David get his shit together, Jason had to stand outside in the cold, using a winch to slowly drag a sleeping Golden Eagle onto a waiting U-Haul trailer. The little winch did the job, but the photo captured above of Jason’s face during the operation is priceless. And for today’s COTD winner (and fellow microcar lover) Jonee, it’s a reminder of what moving a friend is like: I’ve more than once been the person with a pickup truck and helped someone move, even if my “pickup” was really a Smart.

And even then, I’m pretty sure my face didn’t look much different than Jason’s. Actually, since I was towing a loaded trailer on icy roads, it may have looked puckered. Either way, Jason’s face is the face every friend or family has when they discover what they volunteered for. And yes, U-Haul not only installs hitches onto Smarts but rents trailers to them, too. Best of luck, guys! Here’s to your trip completing safely and maybe with some fun along the way. And if you want to see Jason, David, and Otto on their trip, tonight they will be in St. Louis at Salt + Smoke on Delmar Blvd at 7 pm. If you’re in Missouri or much of Illinois, you still have plenty of time!

-Cars-Talking about cars-Talking about rust-BBQ A fun time will be had by all, guaranteed! — The Autopian (@the_autopian) December 27, 2022 On Otto. “Either way, the joy of the manual approach is written all over your face. If I were David, I would make that your contact pic. ????” D’oh. Also did anybody else catch that despite DT writing about using the Alero as a winter beater for a little while … the Tracker is still there. Also I gotta say Mercedes I’m so happy that you’re on this site, keep on keeping on with your small car shenanigans!

That Face When You Help Your Disorganized Friend Move Across The Country  Comment Of The Day - 87That Face When You Help Your Disorganized Friend Move Across The Country  Comment Of The Day - 54