The assessment test is customized to an organization’s job roles and culture to give targeted insight. The Berke assessment test contains two types of assessment:

Cognitive ability tests Personality tests

Cognitive ability tests assess a candidate’s ability to process numerical, written and diagrammatic information. They indicate key skills such as problem-solving ability, critical thinking and attention to detail. Personality tests provide insight into behavioral traits and motivational drivers, helping companies to determine whether a candidate is a right fit for the culture and values of their organization. In combination, these tests give a rounded assessment of a candidate’s nature, skills and competencies.

Who Is the Berke Assessment Test Designed For?

The Berke assessment test is a pre-employment assessment administered during recruitment to evaluate the talent pool and candidates’ individual strengths. Using the test as part of the hiring process allows for objective, data-driven decisions regarding the potential of prospective employees. It is designed for companies who wish to streamline their recruitment, making it more efficient and effective. In combination, aptitude and personality testing give a strong indication of performance in the role and increase productivity and employee satisfaction. The Berke assessment test is therefore valuable across sectors and hiring levels. The test is usually encountered after submitting an online application for a role or during a later stage assessment center.

What to Expect on the Berke Assessment Test

Candidates will be notified ahead of time that they are required to sit a Berke assessment test as part of the recruitment process, allowing time for preparation. The first step is to understand the different test sections and what they are trying to measure. The Berke assessment test is customized according to the organization administering it; therefore, it can vary in length and content. This means it may take between 10 minutes and one hour to complete, depending upon selecting the tests featured. Most Berke tests set out to measure personality and problem-solving traits. In addition, the test may also assess hard skills and integrity. These different aspects of testing are explored in greater detail below: The Berke assessment explores seven personality traits. A personality profile is created according to whether candidates register a high or low score in each trait. The personality traits Berke tests are:

Adaptability – Low adaptability = independent; high adaptability = accommodating Assertiveness – Low assertiveness = reserved; high assertiveness = aggressive Intensity – Low intensity = relaxed; high intensity = intense Optimism – Low optimism = skeptical; high optimism = optimistic Responsiveness – Low responsiveness = calm; high responsiveness = expressive Sociability – Low sociability = task oriented; high sociability = people oriented Structure – Low structure = flexible; high structure = prefer rules

Problem-Solving Traits

Berke’s cognitive tests assess natural ability and task preference by measuring a candidate’s problem-solving traits. The three problem-solving traits a Berke assessment tests for are:

Logical problem-solving – The degree to which a candidate can approach complex problems in a structured, incremental and analytical way. Rapid problem-solving – The degree to which a candidate can handle pressure, thinking quickly and accurately to solve problems intuitively. Spatial visualization – The assessment of a candidate’s ability to work with theoretical 3D objects, visualize dimensions and manipulate diagrams to solve spatial problems.

These traits are used to gain a picture of overall cognitive ability and intelligence.

Skills and Attitudinal Measures

Additional hard skills assessments can be included in the Berke assessment test if they see them as relevant to the open role. These hard skills tests include:

Typing Microsoft Excel HTML Basic/Shop Mathematics Weights/Measures Cash Handling Customer Service

According to job type on the website, Berke’s full range of skills tests can be explored. There is also an integrity test, which measures attitude to work ethics such as attendance, honesty and theft. Candidates receive a high or low integrity measure after completing the test. Candidates for one job may be presented with a test that assesses only personality and integrity, while another Berke assessment encountered may include questions exploring personality, problem-solving and a selection of hard skills. Like those on hard skills and personality, some individual questions may be directly related to the specificity of the role and work environment. The cognitive tests are known to include the following types of questions:

Selecting the missing words to complete a sentence from a list of options Identifying a set of related words Selecting whether statements are true, false or if you cannot say based upon the information provided Numerical questions involving basic mathematical principles Spatial questions involving sequences of shapes, for which candidates must select the following figure in the series Questions involving 3D objects, which require candidates to visualize the correct outcome and select it from a list of options

The personality test questions require candidates to select whether they agree or disagree with a given statement regarding a behavioral preference or course of action. The test may also contain questions in which candidates are required to rate a series of options according to preference. The personality test questions are likely to be tailored to assess whether a candidate is a good fit for a particular organization’s culture. The hard skills assessment questions are specific to the skill being evaluated. For example, in a typing test, candidates must type out a given paragraph in a 30 second period. They will then be assessed according to the volume of text transcribed and the accuracy of their typing. A company may set a hard skills test featuring material from a relevant organizational case study.

Berke Assessment Report

The Berke assessment test results in several different types of comprehensive assessment reports. Job Fit Reports and Spotlight Reports help the employer interpret the candidates’ results, while a Berke Participant Report is the evaluation received by all test applicants. The participant report conveys the test results in a clear, visual and positive manner and is directly addressed to the candidate in question. The results for traits, such as personality and problem-solving, are presented as markers on a sliding scale between each extreme. For example, if a candidate scored highly on adaptability, the marker would be much closer to accommodating than independent. If a trait is strongly exhibited, it will be highlighted in bold. The report helps candidates understand their strengths as workers, alongside highlighting traits in which they are weaker. As the Berke assessment test measures traits, there are no numerical scores featured on the report. Participant reports do not contain the job fit insights or suggested interview material included in employer-facing reports.

Key Tips: How to Pass the Berke Assessment Test

1. Practice Berke Assessment Style Tests

To prepare for your Berke assessment, it is essential to familiarize yourself with the test’s structure, style and content. The best way to do this is by taking online practice tests in the style of the Berke assessment test. Mimicking exam conditions is recommended, as it helps build towards achieving the necessary pace per question. It also means candidates get used to working accurately while under time pressure. The JobTestPrep Berke test preparation pack is a comprehensive resource to assist your preparation and leave you feeling confident tackle the official assessment.

2. Focus on Strengthening Weaker Areas

Practice tests only help performance if they are carefully reviewed upon completion and candidates seek to learn from their mistakes. Highlight the trickier questions and use this insight to structure preparation time and prioritize key topics. Focusing on weaker areas helps ensure that, come the time of the test, they have been translated into strengths. Remember that it is also important for candidates to revisit their more substantial skill areas during preparation. Overlooking these in practice can lead to unnecessary mistakes.

3. Research the Role and Company You Are Applying To

Before completing cognitive or personality tests, candidates should ensure they have thoroughly researched the organization they are applying to and the job role and responsibilities. Berke assessments are tailored to the vacancy and company; therefore, the tests will seek to measure the relevant competencies, skills and traits. Knowing the criteria assessed helps with targeted preparation and boosts confidence; therefore, thoroughly review the job description and pay close attention to the essential criteria listed.

4. Prepare For the Personality Section of the Test

Personality tests can be overlooked in preparation; however, candidates should prepare for the personality test alongside the cognitive and/or skills sections. The personality test will reflect the culture and values of the organization; therefore, candidates should know these and keep them in mind when answering the questions. Answer personality questions honestly but ensure the responses convey professionalism and are compatible with the job role. Although personality tests do not have a time limit, do not spend too long on each question. A long completion time can suggest indecision and confusion under pressure.

5. Take the Test When You Are Calm and Relaxed

Candidates only get one opportunity to sit the test and convey their potential to their prospective employers. For the best possible chance at success, sit the test in a quiet environment, free from distractions and begin the test when you are feeling relaxed and confident. Employers usually give candidates 48 hours to submit the test (from the point the link is received); therefore, do not feel you have to sit the assessment as soon as it appears in your inbox. Instead, select an optimal time. To prevent unnecessary stress, always check the stability of the internet connection before beginning an online test and, if required, switch to an ethernet cable connection to prevent any difficulty loading the questions. Berke tests are designed to assess problem-solving traits and personality. They can also be used to test integrity and hard skills. Having a good understanding of the organization and role applied for will help you to identify which skills, traits, and competencies you are likely to be tested on. To pass the Berke assessment, you must become familiar with the content, structure and style of the test. Spend time completing a range of online practice tests under exam conditions. Review your results to establish which areas of the test you find most difficult. While it is important to focus on any areas of weakness, you must continue to practice all aspects of the test, including the personality assessment. Contact the organization administering the test to find out about the version of the Berke assessment they will be using. As a rule of thumb, you can expect to answer a range of cognitive questions, for example, numerical reasoning, verbal reasoning, and spatial awareness. You will also need to answer a set of personality assessment questions. This is designed to assess whether you would be a good fit with the culture of the organization. If you are asked to complete a hard skills assessment, this will be based on the specific skills required for the job role. It is also a valuable tool to increase levels of productivity and employee satisfaction inside an organization. The employer will tailor the assessment to meet their needs, which means they will decide what data is most relevant to the position applied for. Always practice under exam conditions, as this will help you to improve your ability to work under pressure. After each practice test, it is important to review your performance, make notes of any areas of weakness and spend additional time on these aspects of the test. You should also learn as much as possible about the job role and culture of the organization. This will help you to understand what the employer will be looking for and whether you are likely to be a good match for their requirements. As well as practicing the cognitive elements of the test, you should also spend time taking some practice personality tests. When sitting the Berke Assessment Test, set up a quiet study area where you will not be disturbed. Complete the test at a time when you are feeling confident and relaxed. The format of the Berke assessment candidates will differ depending upon the role and company, but knowing the traits measured will greatly aid preparation. The tailored nature of the test means that it is highly effective in shortlisting the right candidates for roles. The test may require a little extra preparation time; however, successful candidates can feel confident knowing that they are a good job match and possess the skills and competencies required to excel in the role. To score well, candidates must display that they are well-rounded, with strong ability and have the right approach to the workplace. With adequate practice, candidates can perform highly across all areas of the Berke test and secure their next job role.