Using team motivational quotes as a manager is a great way to inspire your team since the information is read in just a few seconds and is easy to absorb.

Why Motivational Quotes?

A good team motivational quote can inspire your team to work hard and achieve their goals. Motivational quotes can give your team members new perspectives, leading to a more practical way of doing a task or even starting a whole new project. It can also give them new ways to process information and handle stress and their emotions when dealing with difficult situations. When inspirational and successful people talk about their way of working or mindset, there are often snippets that, even out of the wider context, offer crystalized insight into what allowed these people to succeed. These quotes can be relatable to your employees and are a great way to motivate people to not give up, work hard and reach their goals.

Who Should You Quote?

There is likely an endless number of motivational quotes. But you will have to sift through a lot of chaff to find them. Further, you must choose the right quotes for your team. This is why it is important to know your team members’ personalities and preferences. The motivational quotes that you choose should apply to a common goal across your team and ideally entire company. Additionally, if they are a quote from a recognizable person, they will likely have more impact. While motivational speakers make a living off of inspiring strangers, this works because of their charisma and charm in person, which a poster on the wall cannot have – motivational quotes carry more weight when they can be connected to a person your employees already have a positive image of. Therefore, the quotes contained within this article are all from recognizable, famous people.

How to Use Quotes in the Workplace

There are a few different ways that you can use motivational quotes in the workplace.

Include Quotes in Your Meetings

It can be difficult at times to motivate your team if they arrive with low energy – consider a Monday morning meeting where your team is fighting off the weekend blues and aren’t showing much drive. This is where you can bring in your motivational quotes to inspire your employees to crush their goals. Quotes are a great way to instil some motivation into the teamwork, can be worked into any leadership style and may resonate in your teammates’ minds long after the meeting, continuing to motivate them subliminally. When motivating your team with a speech or in a meeting, it’s important to try to relate to your employees. Make sure that they feel you understand their difficulties and show that you really want to help them.

Create an Opportunity to Allow Team Members to Share Their Favorite Quotes

Allowing your employees to contribute is a great way to motivate them. Helping others is a sure-fire way to make yourself feel good and by offering an opportunity for team members to share what inspires them, not only will the shared quotes be motivating them but the feel-good factor will increase team-bonding and improve relationships. Team members may also resonate better with quotes shared by other team members instead of those by management. Creating an inspirational Slack channel or seeking suggestions to share on your social media channels can be ways to prompt this.

Display Motivational Quotes Around the Office

Finding creative ways to display motivational quotes around the office is another great way to share inspirational team-building quotes around the office. For example, you could print out quotes and stick them to the front door, the coffee machine or the water cooler. Or you could get more creative and reward everyone with a personalized mug or mouse pad with a handpicked quote to show you care. If your team is mostly remote, you could use the office’s default screensaver to show a few different positive team quotes throughout the day. You could also put that email marketing software to use and send out a daily or weekly email with a motivational quote and what you personally gain from it.

What Makes a good teamwork quote?

A good teamwork quote is something that resonates with your employees. It should be relatable and by a recognizable person. It should also ideally not be overused – there are several quotes that have made their way around the internet many times that have lost their meaning by over-sharing.

Top 50 Team Motivational Quotes

Without further ado, here are the top 50 motivational quotes that would be a great inspiration to any team: Henry Ford is hailed for kick-starting the American middle-class by giving his factory workers over twice the daily minimum wage, which other car manufacturers were then forced to follow. Here’s another of his inspiring quotes: 2. 3. 4. Steve Jobs instilled in his employees a strong desire to share hard work, passions and a clear vision. Creating truly great products was Jobs’ desire and what drove him, as opposed to what customers thought they wanted. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. He attributed the success of his own business to the application of the ‘Golden Rule’, which was to treat others as we would like to be treated. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. Pele led Brazil to three World Cup championships. He scored 12 goals in World Cup play and tallied over 1,000 goals in first-class matches. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. Estée Lauder smashed glass ceilings and was the only woman on Time magazine’s 1998 list of the 20 most influential business geniuses of the 20th century. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. An example of this would be: You may stress the need for career progression, or you may even cultivate a degree of healthy competition within the workplace. A good quote that deals with these issues is: This is from Thomas Jefferson. A good quote that will achieve this is: Motivational quotes about teamwork are also a great way to encourage your employees to work better together and can give them the motivation to face any difficulties head-on and improve communication to ultimately achieve the team’s goals. There are a few different creative ways that you can use team inspirational quotes in the workplace, so you can certainly find one that fits your environment.