That being said, one of the reasons some people simply try to steer clear of the sustainable lifestyle is because they think it needs a lot of commitment and dedication in order to be successful in their efforts. However, the truth is entirely different. That being said, here are some weekend projects you can try out that will help you make your home more sustainable.

Organize your freezer better

The first and the easiest way you can start thinking in a more sustainable direction is by paying a bit of attention to your freezer. Many people use their freezers almost on a daily basis. So, if your freezer is half empty, when you open it, a lot of cold air will escape out. When that happens, the freezer will need to create more cold air to replace the one that escaped. However, if you pack your freezer more tightly, less air will be able to escape. That being said, assess the size of your freezer and see if it actually fits your needs and consider downsizing if you feel like it’s too much for you. Alternatively, you can also stack bags of old newspaper to physically replace the item you have taken out and thus reduce the unnecessary energy waste.

Reduce your dryer use

Another thing you can do is cut on the use of your dryer. Many people find it easier to simply pop things into their dryer and have them fresh and dry quickly. However, if you better organize your laundry schedule, and make sure you wash a load more often, you can actually air-dry your clothes. Not only will this cut the unnecessary energy waste but it will also significantly reduce the chances of your clothes ending up destroyed by the dryer.

Do something about your windows

Having drafty and poorly insulated windows can be very frustrating. Not only will they do a poor job at insulating your home, but they are also just very uncomfortable to be close to. During warmer months, they enable the hot air to penetrate the home, letting the cool indoor air escape out which will only make your AC work overtime. This is particularly a problem in areas with a warmer climate, such as Australia. That’s why the majority of Aussies choose to replace their old windows with high-quality double glazed windows in Sydney. The better you insulate your home, the less you will have to condition the indoor air which will, in turn, significantly reduce your energy waste and make your home that much more sustainable.

Lay off the thermostat

Another thing people tend to do without putting too much thought into it is using the AC unit and the thermostat way too often and way too much. For instance, some people amp up the thermostat so high during winter that they walk around their homes in shorts and tank tops. Not only is such behavior very wasteful, but it also affects our bodies in a potentially detrimental way. If you spend too much time indoors where the air is warmer than it should be, once you exit your home, your body will experience a shock. That’s why you should aim at making the indoor temperature pleasant but try not to overdo it. Needless to say, keeping your thermostat on a lower setting both in summer and in winter and choosing to dress more season-appropriate will save you a pretty penny in the long run. So, if you’re thinking about giving sustainability a go, consider starting off with these tips. The fact is that once you start paying attention to the things you were once either ignorant about or simply didn’t know enough about, you will see just how wasteful you are in your day-to-day. This will provide you with the opportunity to replace some old – and potentially bad – habits with newer, more sustainable ones.

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