Where in the past people what all cared about was their respect in the family and society. While in today’s world of Facebook, Snap-chat where everything depends on how many virtual friends do we have, or who posted a snapstory of us. And this can occur only if we are liked by others. How much long term benefit could it give?A help for your next four steps until that liking for you diverges to someone else. Roots of Indian Culture which have been binded with a term called RESPECT for centuries that I find to be lost. We are losing our Indian culture in the search of fake and short term happiness, where we are forgetting what Respect can give to us! Respect occurs when people feel like admiring you. In last 3 months you might have said ‘I LIKE YOU’ nearly 100 times, but when did you say ‘I RESPECT YOU’ the last time? We follow and respect Steve Jobs, for his tremendous success and his admirable qualities. Don’t we want to be at his place, don’t we want that respect? Yes, surely we do want it! Respect makes you not only stand out of crowd but also builds a place in the heart and mind of the people. Most importantly if someone respects you, that person will try to help you when ever needed. Also, there is difference in duration of both, liking lies for a short time while respect continues much longer! Now Facebook should add respect button, rather than a pack of emojis. As the debate goes on in my mind, between like and respect, I realize that if I had given years of hard work into something. I would be expecting respect rather than a like! P.S. : Here I am talking about respect by admiration surely not out of force.   Source of Featured Image:- Search Engine Land

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